One DAO to rule them all..

4 min readJan 31, 2022

We welcome everyone on our first medium post which covers a lot of essential information about our plan.

What’s the plan of 0xDao?

We want to execute 2 different ecosystems, involving the full force of the 0x movement.

The first step will be a DeFi lego including a treasury to generate external revenue in order to fund and execute step 2, which will be a unique and neverseen NFT product (more about that in the near future.)

It is crucial that the first step funds the second step in order to truly create a decentralized product from the people for the people without having to depend on VCs that mess with the outcome.

Therefore a plan or socalled strategy has been created. We will heavilty utilize LOOKS within a forked & modified treasury of Wonderland. The protocol owned liquidity will be used to support the 0xDao token while the revenue will be used to proceed with the execution of step 2.

We believe that the 0x movement is strong enough to make it happen without VCs. Our lead dev created this product quite some time ago and the NFT community could have been enjoying this way sooner if there wasn‘t the need of funds and VCs. So he never launched his finished product.

We – 0xApes have a unique product to revolutionize how NFTs are being traded. A way of trading that benefits the users, not some few leaders of a mediocre marketplace. The question is; „do we have the guts to really pull it off?“ – i say we do!

Yellowchip > Bluechip

We can achieve great things if we work together. The Yellowtribe is as strong as we believe it to be.

On our journey, our treasury from 0xDao will generate a significant amount of money. We did the math and simulations, it depends on the treasury size but it‘s roundabout $500‘000 monthly on a $10M treasury.

The revenue will be split into pieces:

  • 24/7 Marketing
  • Buying and storing NFT (to execute our second product we need to buy alot of NFTs. Not only 0xApes but every valueable bluechip.)
  • Back to treasury, compounding.

Now the sheer mass and outcome of this plan could spread like a wildfire due to its multi benefitial nature. Everyone involved will inevitably push revenue to their NFT & thus raise floor or even become a bluechip.

Remember: 0xApes will always be involved in all 0xDao profit stream and it will also always be in our main focus.

So, is this a simple copy pasta?

No. The protocol framework and the original idea of OHM / Wonderland are copied, yes. However we found it highly inefficient to have $500M in excess money just sitting around, doing nothing while it could actually put into work for the protocol to generate income for itself and its users.

Therefore we had to modify the treasury in a way where we’re able to generate revenue from external source beyond the protocol and its users. This inevitably leads into more money to back our token, higher yield for users & over a longer time frame it could potentially outweigh the revenue generated through bonding.

It also means we have excess money to spend on 24/7 guerillia marketing, which is always a good thing!

On top of that, our second product will generate money aswell which will be roundabout $36M in a month (for $4B volume) which goes to the users. If 0xDao‘s target is to become the main funding source of that, it will also mean most fees goes to the Dao. This will incentive people to not only take part on the NFT platform but also to take part on the Dao, becauee that‘s essentially where alot of the money will get distributed back.

The best part? It‘s all done and ready!

We’re not only talking about theories or what-if scenarios here. That’s our finished execution plan, utilizing the excess money of the treasury to create a win-win situation for the protocol as well as the users. Leveraging the NFT scene and reward them with our unseen product.

The codes are ready. We are ready. The question is, are you ready?

0x masterplan. Make NFT liquid, 24/7.

